Traffic mitigation
We understand the importance of getting travel and transport right when developing a new community.
Assessments of the potential impact that Monarch Park (and the wider Stamford North proposal) might have on local roads have been carried out over the past few years and are still ongoing, particularly with regard to the detailed impact on junctions. A list of the junctions that are being investigated follows below.
Once conclusions have been reached, mitigations would be proposed where required and agreed with the highways authorities. This would form part of the Transport Assessment submitted as part of future planning applications both on Monarch Park and other parts of the Stamford North development.
The junctions that are being assessed to understand the impact of the proposed development on vehicular traffic are:
B1081/Sidney Farm Lane Priority Junction
B1081/Empingham Road Priority Junction
A606/B1081 Scotgate/North Street/West Street Signalised Crossroads
A6121/East Street/A1175 Brazenose Lane Signalised Crossroads
A43 Town Bridge/A1175 Wharf Road/St Mary’s Hull Signalised Junction
A43 High Street/Station Road/Water Street Signalised Junction
A1175 Uffington Road/Newstead Lane Priority Junction
A1/B1081 Northbound and Southbound Slip Roads (merge/diverge only)
A1 Southbound Off-Slip /Sidney Farm Lane Loop Priority Junction
A1/A606 North-Facing Slips Priority Junction
A1/A606 South-Facing Slips Priority Junction
A1/A6121 North-Facing Slips Priority Junction
A1/A6121 South-Facing Slips Priority Junction
Tolethorpe/Little Casterton Road Priority Junction
B1081 Old Great North Road/Tolethorpe Priority Junction
B1081 Old Great North Road/Water Lane/Ryhall Road Crossroads
B1081 Casterton Road/Little Casterton Road Priority Junction
A6121 St Paul’s Street/Ryhall Road/Uffington Road Mini Roundabout
A606/Water Lane Priority Junction
A606/Arran Road Priority Junction
A6121 Ryhall Road/Rutland Road Priority Junction
B1081/Quarry Farm Site Access
Little Casterton Road/Quarry Farm Site Access Priority Junction
Little Casterton Road/Stamford North Staggered Priority Crossroads Site Access
A6121/Stamford North Signalised Crossroads Site Access Junction
Sustainable Transport
At Monarch Park, our approach to transport is aligned with the principles of the Stamford North development – which is ‘Places First’. Based on the ‘Manual for Streets’ guidance by the Department of Transport, this approach places a high priority on meeting the needs of pedestrians, cyclists and public transport users, to ensure that growth in these modes of transport is encouraged.
While all modes of transport would be accommodated at Monarch Park, a key focus is therefore good quality pedestrian and cycle routes providing connections across Stamford North, into Stamford and to local destinations and schools. A new, accessible bus route across Stamford North is also planned.
The ‘Places First’ approach also places a high priority on:
Recognising the importance of the community function of streets – which serve to integrate neighbourhoods rather than segregate them
Promoting inclusive design for all users
Creating networks of streets to maximise permeability and connectivity